
It's breathtaking coastline with more than 1000 islands will astonish you.

Situated on the coast of the beautiful Adriatic Sea in the south central Europe, Croatia is enriched with great beauty, a mild Mediterranean climate and ancient culture. The country displays unique treasures of architecture, antique ruins, and jewels from the Romanesque to Moden, many of which you can discover in theĀ UNESCO World Heritage Monument List. The rich folklore with centuries-old songs, dances, and colorful costumes is well preserved and carefully transmitted over generations. The authenticity of the villages, the hospitality of its inhabitants and its secure cities will enchant you. Traditional delights are prepared by following autochthonous recipes with carefully chosen ingredients.

Indented coastline, uninhabited islands, lakes, thousands of hectares of national parks and steep mountains with deep gorge will stimulate your senses. To gain incredible and the most valuable experience of Croatia, DYC serves as your ideal YACHTING partner. Experience luxury, beauty, and adventure with Dbrovnik Yacht Charter.